Most directly, you can hit a key to send a commendation to the player who just killed you if you think they got you good, and I enjoy giving those out sparingly. I usually keep text chat off (it does attract some annoying players), but each match feels like a conversation anyway, or a bunch of little ones.

We can, for example, set fire to a chicken and throw it at the enemy, or use the body of a dead enemy as a projectile for a catapult.Like Rocket League, which has also spawned some idiosyncratic player behavior (look up "Rule 1"), Chivalry 2 is about a love for the game as much as winning it. This provides a lot of freedom of action. Maps are filled with interactive objects, and the gameplay is governed by an extensive physical engine. in the sieges of fortresses, the plundering of villages and battles in the beaten fields and forests. The production offers a wide variety of impressions. Participants of the game are divided into two factions and each side is given to perform specific tasks, the completion of which requires good cooperation with comrades-in-arms. The Chivalry 2 PC Download boasts a much larger scale of clashes than the first chivalry, allowing skirmishes with 64 players. Compared to the first part, it has been greatly improved, so it offers more types of maneuvers and is easier to master. The project offers an advanced combat system, allowing you to accurately control every move with the mouse. The production is set in a fictional universe, inspired by Hollywood films, and the authors focused mainly on the spectacularity of the clashes, rather than their realism. New in comparison with the previous part is the possibility of using horses.

In Chivalry 2 PC Download, we observe the action from a first-person perspective, and the gameplay focuses on skirmishes with other players using a variety of white weapons, as well as bows and crossbows.